The Questing Process
There’s a vibrant questing program woven deep into the magical fabric of the Modern Masters Meta-Reality Experience. Starting out on a quest requires dedication, determination, and some serious muscle building. Most of the time, we’ll be exercising spiritual and magical muscles, but there are many quests that incorporate real-world actions as well.
Some of these quests rely on your commitment to your own self-empowerment program. Missions take you outside of your comfort zone. Expeditions lead you out into the real world alongside your friends and comrades. In all cases, each quest is designed to move you forward on your chosen path towards ultimate success. Starting out on a quest requires dedication and determination.
As you fulfill the requirements for each quest and turn in your verification information, you’ll be earning points, credits, sigils, and other special rewards to encourage your progress. Your personalized profile page will reflect these achievements along with your primary fields of interest and character qualities. You’ll have access to a current Quest Log where you can enter your own material and comments. You’ll also be able to share and discuss that content with other Masters if you choose.
MM22 Quests are intertwined with all the major aspects of the Meta-Reality Experience. The quests are the major gateway to your personal empowerment, a reference point for your overall progress, and a portal to other Modern Masters who share your interests and commitments.
In this section, we’ll be adding news about the MM22 quest lines as we continue to develop the Project. Continue to check back in order to stay up to date about our progress and read about any new additions in the works.