
Age of the Mage – Episode 77: New Earth Time Line Phenomena – Is This Happening to You?
Are connections unraveling? Do lines of communication seem shaky and unpredictable? Do everyday events unfold in familiar ways, or do they seem to be getting hijacked by invisible forces? As ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 57: Three Kinds of Magic You Can Use Today!
Inner Alchemy, Cutting Cords, & Healing! Activate the Energies! Do you want to change a situation and don't know where to start? Would you like to feel more energized? Are ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 56: Do We Live in Dark Times? Can the Powers of Magick & Spirit Overcome the Dark?
Yes! I do believe we are living in dark times. I also believe we are meant to be here at this time. And I believe that the many forces of ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 51: Are You a Magical Commander?
Do you have natural leadership abilities? Are you comfortable when you're able to be in charge of your own projects? Do you find that others look to you for advice ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 16: What Kinds of Dreams Do You Have? Astral? Lucid?
Nightmares? Prophetic? Astral Travel? How does your dreamscape appear most of the time? There are many kinds of dreams and states of consciousness that we encounter in our sleep states ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 14: Mages & Sages! Will We Stand for Truth?
A critical choice lies before us. Each of us will cast a vote for the timeline of our future. Will we stand for freedom and truth? Or will we be ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 13: What’s Your Kind of Magic?
What makes your heart sing and your spirit soar? How do you move into that elusive "zone" of magic, soul, and synchronicity? Today, we explore a few of the many ...

Age of the Mage – Episode 11: Finding Soul Mates, Love, and Romance on the New Earth Time Lines
The New Earth energy shifts will affect evert part of our lives. And that includes our love lives. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, many of us find our ...

A Welcome Message to the Immortals Project Magickal Allies
Welcome to each and every one of you who have come to this page through the link provided in the Magickal Allies Group on the Immortals Project Facebook Page! For ...

MM22 Land of Etherium
Introducing the Land of EtheriumJoin us as we come together to create a high-dimensional etheric space. Welcome to our new expansion designed to enhance and support our magickal alignment and ...

Ghostly Encounters
Most of us have experienced some kind of interaction with another realm. In this clip, I'll be sharing a story about an encounter with my paternal grandfather after he passed ...

Messages from Mary Gabrielle: Angels & Magick Transmission Part One
Sharing a telepathic transmission about Angels & Magick. Who are Angels and Where do they come from? ...

Messages from Mary Gabrielle
Introduction & Welcome Greetings to all of our Modern Masters! Thank you for your presence here. It means so much to me that you're here and that you're willing to ...

Modern Masters Magi Day Announcement
Thanks to our association with the Magi Astrological Society, it’s come to our attention that Wednesday, January 31, 2018 has a very powerful and far-reaching aspect occurring that we should ...

The Modern Masters Defenders
As spiritual beings, it can be challenging for us to function in a physical dimension. We have to develop an understanding of how to safely navigate and interact with such ...

Introducing The Unity Workshops
Modern Masters presents "The Unity Workshops," a podcast series dedicated to investigating, researching, and sharing information about phenomena affecting people around the world. The podcast will focus on topics that ...