Modern Masters is a platform designed to empower individuals and organizations through meaningful learning, collaboration, and entertaining interaction. To do this, we utilize a comprehensive framework through which individuals and groups can work with synergy to bring their goals to fruition.
Our platform is built on three pillars:
- Promote personal growth through education and imaginative exercises
- Encourage and support effective community building
- Incorporate proven game techniques to enhance motivation and engagement
Personal Growth Through Education and Imaginative Exercises
The MM network is set up to encourage members to discover truth for themselves. Our method of doing this is to provide a platform for self-directed education through imaginative exercises.
Our network will be open to teachers in many subjects who would like to create lessons and expand their reach. Anyone can become a teacher after demonstrating their abilities.
Lessons in the Modern Masters system are called quests. Inside the system Quests won’t just be online classes, they will be engaging journeys. Lasting anywhere from a day to a month, the completion of quests will earn the user experience points, quest badges, and magic sigils. The Quest structure will progress throughout the network increasing in complexity until the user attains mastery over the subject matter.
The following are our Core Quest subjects:
Through examination and exploration of a person’s belief system, a more aware and conscious person can emerge. Modern Masters does not adhere to any specific belief system, and our platform’s aim is to encourage diverse understanding and cooperation.
Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of another in more than a superficial sense. We believe empathy can be developed through experiences that create lasting connections with the people and environment we all share. Modern Masters provides opportunities for people to have those experiences.
We realize that the world we live in is inhabited by a diverse and conscious population. To sustain and enhance that population, we seek to reframe the individual’s relation to it from one of ownership to one of stewardship.
Fundamental to any potential change is a recognition of the system we are a part of. Through safe, engaging debate and argument, we seek to understand the system that surrounds us more completely, without dogma and rhetoric.
In order to judge more accurately what is true, Modern Masters provides a comprehensive structure for understanding and developing your intuition. We feel intuition is analogous to a sixth sense—one that has been disregarded and degraded too often by modern society.
Finally, the culmination of all this is to assist our users to develop a stronger sense of self. Our platform’s fundamental goal is to empower our users in as many ways as possible. Central to this empowerment is the understanding of who we are and what we are capable of.
For more on producing quests see our Mentor page.
Imaginative Exercises and Gaming Techniques are Built into the Platform to Enhance Motivation and Engagement
The Questing Section of the Modern Masters platform is called the “MM22 Meta-Reality Experience.” As the term “Meta-Reality” denotes, the material in this area weaves in and out of the real world and challenges users to rely on intuition and magic as they progress.
The Modern Masters MM22 Experience includes the following features:
- Self-reflection through character creation.
- Reward mechanics for the completion of challenging tasks.
- Questing that increases in interest and difficulty.
- Online meeting spaces for our members.
- Collaborative dynamics and group encounters.
- A community built around a marketplace of ideas.
- An alternative currency.
- A long-term story line that will one day be unleashed into the real-world.
To read more about Modern Masters MM22 Experience see our MM22 Manual.