Welcome to the Hero’s Journey!
A main part of the Modern Masters Meta Reality Experience will be to create your character. This is a unique opportunity as it will allow you to transform yourself into the person you’d like most to become. Through a series of quests and a game-like self-discovery process, you’ll be able to get in touch with the real you and begin to activate the destiny you were born to live!
It’s our firm belief that as you take part in the path that lies ahead you’ll begin to feel more alive. Your life will take on a deeper meaning. We all strive to understand our soul’s purpose. The Hero’s Journey inside of Modern Masters is an entertaining way to become that hero you were meant to be!
We’ll be adding information directly onto this page about The Hero’s Journey as we further develop the Project. Please check in from time to time to see what new components are coming to life.
In the meantime, feel free to check out the sub-sections within The Hero’s Journey. In those areas, we’ll go into more detail about Character Creation, the Questing Process, and our Reward System.