The healthcare system’s purported job is to keep us healthy and to protect us from disease. To provide us affordable healthcare to meet our needs and to heal our maladies. Supposedly, it’s in place to provide answers, healing, and hope.
The truth is, this system, the very one that’s supposed to be guarding your health, is actually designed to make you sick and keep you sick. Good health is our natural state of being. In most cases, if we ate simple healthy foods and exercised regularly, the majority of us would lead healthy lives. But this isn’t the picture we see today. Why?
Why Doesn’t Good Health Prevail?
There are a few reasons for this. First, the medical establishment regularly recommends unhealthy and downright dangerous foods. Large corporate interests buy and sell appearances on the national nutritional pyramid. For example, sugary snacks are labeled ‘heart healthy.’ The recommendations made by the medical establishment over the past thirty years have caused a rise in obesity and diabetes.
Secondly, the medical establishment ignores preventative steps that could keep us from getting ill in the first place. Things like nutritional services, alternative health practices, and gym memberships are left out of insurance plans. These things are easy and cheap to provide when compared to the overwhelming costs associated with providing long-term, critical health care. By not including coverage for these alternative health practices, insurance companies ensure the continuation of the failing status quo.
Third, most participants in our medical system virtually ignore preventative medicine. Instead of assisting patients in preventing medical conditions, the prevailing medical practice is to prescribe quick-fix pills or surgeries with debilitating side effects. Once you begin a medication for diabetes, you suddenly develop high blood pressure. Not long after, you might discover heart problems as a side effect, and the list goes on. Soon you’re taking handfuls of pills just to offset the side effects of one prescription. If the focus were on ways to prevent diabetes in the first place, this cascade of toxic medications and related illnesses might never begin!
A Conflict of Interest
Unfortunately, it’s in this system’s best economic interest to make us sick and keep us sick. Rather than provide us affordable healthcare, we’re charged exorbitant costs for service. The more the masses come flocking through the doctors’ doors, the more money lands in the system’s pockets. Once it has succeeded in making us sick, the same system lies to us, telling us that their programs and procedures are the only ways to ensure good health. This medical merry-go-round has also created a belief that there’s a scarcity of healing tools and techniques. This false scarcity makes good health seem even harder to obtain and causes patients to doubt their own judgement.
For example, most of the medical establishment rules out alternative health systems that have proven themselves to be valid and effective forms of treatment and prevention. Systems like homeopathy, chiropractic practices, acupuncture, and many others have rich histories and scientific case studies proving their effectiveness and success.
Yet the system regulates against, maligns, and discredits these practices. It even refers to them as “dangerous pseudoscience.” All these tactics cause disillusionment. They take the power away from the individual and place it in the hands of a few, so-called experts.
Boards like the FDA keep medical breakthroughs from ever seeing the light of day. Simple treatments exist for many of today’s most threatening problems. Yet a maze of red tape and regulations keeps promising advances from ever reaching the general public.
Finally, insurance companies limit our options. They offer only the most routine checkups and procedures and quickly reject anything experimental, not matter how necessary it may be.
In Conclusion
Putting this all together, we can see that our medical system and many of the self-appointed health authorities don’t honestly value you or your health, only your pocketbook. These people and their companies profit a great deal from your sickness, and so they work hard to ensure that you remain sick and in need of their exclusive and expensive “remedies.”
We know that insurance rates are getting more expensive every year, though the coverage is shrinking. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that medical and pharmaceutical companies repeatedly choose profits over providing adequate health care. And yet, the money spent on healthcare skyrockets.
Many experts have come up with alternative models that would cut provide affordable healthcare to those that need it while cutting our healthcare spending. But the system doesn’t implement these plans. Why? Because powerful interests block them! Because the establishment doesn’t want us to be happier or healthier. Because this system needs your sickness to profit.
The powerful elite running the medical system and large pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to gamble with your life and your happiness in order to line their pockets. It’s sad to say, but just like so many other mega-systems in our society, greed has corrupted the central and most influential part of our medical system.
You know this. We know this. The point is, what are we going to do about it?
Modern Masters and Solving the Problem of Healthcare
At Modern Masters, we’re crafting a response to this problem. The response is as broad as the issue it faces. It offers solutions across the spectrum of heath care with an eye toward the farthest reaches of human possibility. Briefly, we’ll explain below how we’ll be contributing towards establishing a new healthcare reality.
The Modern Masters Healthcare Repository
We’re producing a crowd-sourced knowledge base of healing remedies. This base will be as wide-ranging as the knowledge of our users. These users include acupuncturists, chiropractors, energy healers, surgeons, nurses, and those on the forefront of medical technology. To be clear, everything from what is considered the “fringe” of healthcare to its mainstream center will have a place in our recipe book. This “Healthcare Recipe Book” will hold a wealth of information that will be vetted and endorsed by our members.
Do you ever wonder what breakthrough technologies are available in Canada, but not in the USA? Our members will know. Would you like to understand why aromatherapy can help you sleep better? Our members will have tried and tested the theories and returned to share their findings with all of us. It’s a remedy system based on the combination of honest reviews from users just like you and on articles and advice by experts willing to think outside the box.
Paradigm Changing:
By injecting respect for the “ordinary person” into the healthcare picture, we can change the paradigm on healthcare as it stands today. We already see this happening in politics and world events thanks to citizen journalists. This same “citizen power” is incorporated into how we view our healthcare.
We want to put power and knowledge back into the hands of people and not add to the tight-fisted current control exercised by the medical establishment. We’ll provide a way for people to test knowledge, discover new ideas, and share what works. Entries will include the everyday experiences of people solving their healthcare problems and sharing their stories.
We work on the assumption that good healthcare solutions should available to nearly all of us and that everyone can thrive. We’ll be working to make this belief become a reality.
The reports and the shared knowledge of our member base will be built in the form of recipes. These will include time-honored, straight forward “how to’s,” in addition to reports on cutting edge scientific breakthroughs that may help you address any number of health issues. Additionally, these suggestions will be vetted by the voting process of our members.
I stress that the recipes will be vetted by our members. The voting process at Modern Masters will work somewhat like that of other well-loved populist sites—Reddit for example. Helpful, useful, and well-constructed recipes will be voted up. As a result of that boost, they’ll receive more exposure and will be brought to your attention. Thus, this structure ensures that ‘filler’ content and recipes which lack credentials or which are sponsored by outside interests will be pushed aside in favor of those that are genuinely researched and accurate.
We’re offering a way forward for every person to truly take their health into their own hands. Our overall goal is to re-shape our reality and cleanse it of its most difficult problems. This is one area that needs our collective focus.
Let’s redefine our reality! Join us on this unrestricted exploration into human health and longevity. Together, we can set a higher bar for health-care standards. Join us today, and start creating a healthier future for us all!
A Final Note:
As most of you know, our current system does not allow non-licensed entities to dispense or endorse any specific medical advice. With that in mind, we’ll leave it to our users’ discretion how and when to implement any practices they may read about in our collection of “Recipes.” A large motivation propelling our Project is to disrupt the existing matrix of disinformation and help people ignite their own higher reasoning skills.
By adding healthcare into the mix, we hope to push our readers to question the status quo and begin to reclaim their own unique healing powers as they see fit. Belief in ourselves is one of the most powerful weapons we have against disease, poverty, despair and a host of other ills. If we at Modern Masters can foster a better and more accurate belief system in individuals and in the collective consciousness, we will have honored our calling to help humanity achieve the fantastic future it deserves.
I learned many years ago to enter a meditative state and scan my body for any imbalances. It has save my life many times. At one time I went to ENT doctor to ask him to do an x-ray on my left maxillary cavity because I had detected a tumor there. The doctor refuded stating that the area did not have nerve endings so there was no way I would know what was going on in there. I argued that if I had no problem to pay for an x-ray why should he deny me. I was able to convince him and had the x-ray. Within an hour he called me to give me the name of another ENT to get a second opinion, needing surgery immediately. I had a big tumor that had eroded a large portion of the bone structure in the area. Tumor cought on time and tumor was benign. Just over a year ago I detected a tumor in my left breast by scanning and requested a mammogram. There was nothing palpable by examination. This one was cancerous but was cought at an early stage. Being very aggressive and fast growing type, I had surgery and chemo. Knowing a body scanning technique is extremely useful and life saving.
Wow, that is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your story. It reminds us all to take our health into our own hands! Phenomenal!
Would you consider teaching the body scanning technique you use within the MM platform? I think that it could benefit so many people! Best, -Dana