The Learning Mind recently posted a great article on extra senses that we humans have. I loved it so much that I want to post a quick synopsis.
Remember that quote from Arther C. Clark that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”? Well, the something like that applies to new discoveries about ourselves. Until we do the research, abilities we don’t fully understand are deemed magical.
Here are a few of the coolest magical abilities you didn’t know that you had:
1. You have Superhuman Hearing while Under Water!
Due to the way sound is channeled through your ears you can hear much higher-pitched sounds while under water. When under water sound heads straight for your mastoid, a bone behind your ear instead of traveling through the eardrum and inner ear. So get down there and start listening to the fishes!
2. You can Smell Death!
A study has suggested that we respond to putrescine, a set of chemicals produced by decaying flesh as a warning signal. The chemicals are processed through our sense of smell and deemed dangerous enough to elicit a fight or flight response. In short, your nose knows when the Grim Reaper is coming.
3. You can Sense Magnetic Fields!
A flavoprotein in the retina of our eye can sense the presence of magnetic fields, according to a University of Massachusetts study. This may give us a boost in navigational capabilities and in sensing changes in the magnetosphere of our earth (pole flip anyone?).
Take a look at the complete Learning Mind Article here to identify more of your magical abilities. In the meantime, harness your unique powers in the MM Meta-Reality Experience. You’re capable of mystical protection, telepathy, astral shielding, and profound healing. Forge your magic!
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