Is disclosure already here? With the Wikileaks release of Hilary Clinton’s e-mails comes really exciting news for Disclosure seekers and Ufologists; an e-mail between top Clinton aid, John Podesta and Edger D. Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut.
In this e-mail Mitchell asks Podesta to “remember” that “our nonviolent ETI from a contiguous universe” is helping bring bring zero-point energy to earth. Meanwhile, an earlier e-mail says that a “catholic colleague” will “bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI”. These emails are super exciting. They may even mean that both the White House and the Vatican are aware of extraterrestrial existence. In the following, we’ll unpack what these emails say and to whom they are written.
The Players:
Edger D. Mitchell
Is an American Navel officer, test pilot and aeronautic engineer. He’s a NASA astronaut and the sixth person to walk on the moon. He is also a ufologist and disclosure advocate. His experiments on consciousness have been published in peer reviewed journals. He has said that he met with government insiders who had personal encounters with extraterrestrials.
John Podesta
Is the current chair of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign. He is also a former counselor to Barack Obama and the 20th White House Chief of Staff. At the time that he received the first e-mail he was serving as the counselor to President Barak Obama. At the time he received the second e-mail he was serving in his current position as the chair of Clinton’s Campaign.
Terri Mansfield
Is the director of the ETI Peace Task Force. She is mentioned in an earlier letter as Mitchell’s “Catholic Colleague.” Mitchell told Podesta that “[she] will bring us up to date of the Vatican’s awareness of ETI.” Her site advocates the disclosure of extraterrestrial visitations. It draws heavily from Vatican Observatory research.
The E-mails
The fact that Mitchell and Podesta have spoken about extraterrestrials isn’t surprising. After all, Mitchell is a well-known ufologist and Podesta is a high-ranking official who supports disclosure. In fact, Podesta has publicly said that “his biggest regret was not being able to secure the disclosure of (still) classified UFO documents.”
First, lets look at the phrase “Non-violent ETI from a contiguous universe” which Mitchell says are “helping us.” This is a big deal! “ETI” in this context means extraterrestrial intelligence. Here Mitchell is suggesting that this extraterrestrial intelligence is non-violent. Further, he says that the ETI is assisting us to improve our prospects for space travel.
Next, lets take a step back and look at Mitchell’s previous email to Podesta, the one sent on January 18,2015. This is where Mitchell says that a catholic college will bring us up to date on the Vatican’s knowledge of ETI. If it’s true that the Vatican knows about the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, this is huge! However, the Vatican has not, to our knowledge, affirmed anything. Furthermore, it is difficult to tell how close Terri Mansfield is to any Vatican sources. Her website does not suggest any direct connection. However, what we can say is that the Papal City began leading discussions about the existence of extraterrestrials beginning way back in 2009.
Now, these e-mails don’t prove that Clinton, the Vatican or any government officials are actively working with extraterrestrials. That would be a logical jump. However, the people involved in these e-mails were discussing some kind of work alongside extraterrestrials, and they are very much a part of our highest governmental structures: famous astronauts, top governmental aids, and religious leadership.
Extraterrestrials Working with the US Government
There are many ufologists who are sure that the US government is covering up information on the UFO phenomenon. While these folks call for disclosure, the idea that the US government, specifically, is actually working with extraterrestrials is not a new idea. In fact, there are many Ufologists who believe this is the case. A few of them are as follows:
1. Simon Parkes, who claims that various extraterrestrial races are assisting earth groups.
2. David Icke, who believes that decedents of reptilian extraterrestrials are embodied in our highest ranking world leaders.
3. Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian defense minister, who believes that an alien race is working with the US Air Force.
The main question that we should ask ourselves as a result of these e-mails is whether we want members of our government and religious institutions, with all the secrets they keep and the ease with which they harm human lives to represent our species to any extraterrestrial race?
Definitely not!
Modern Masters on Disclosure
At Modern Masters we are for immediate disclosure of any information that the US government has on extraterrestrial visitors. Not only that, we believe that there are extraterrestrials assisting various groups on our planet. Some of these extraterrestrials are good, some bad. In fact, we’ve seen evidence that there is a group of benevolent extraterrestrial beings interested in assisting the Modern Masters team with our mission.
For more on the development of leaked e-mails concerning extraterrestrials, including Tom DeLonge’s communications with John Podesta take a look at David Seaman’s excellent coverage.
The Guardians of the Alliance working with Modern Masters
Our initial understanding is gained through direct questions and our own research. It is as follows:
- There is a group of extra-dimensional entities working with us on the Modern Masters Project.
- This group of entities is indeed benevolent toward humanity. (Thats great, because otherwise we’d say “no thank you.”)
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