I met John Lund during Contact in the Desert in 2016. I immediately felt a strong connection to John and to the incredible project that he and his partner Dana Harvey had under development at that time, ModernMasters.org. As time moved forward, John and Dana revealed to me that there was much more to their work and their project than just a cutting-edge platform for consciousness cultivation. They revealed that they could support me in my life’s mission from a technical side, becoming very valuable partners for me in the development of my own project, a unique energetic healing modality called Gamma Wave Healing.
In the almost two years since I met them, they both have provided me with invaluable guidance and insight related to my professional direction. They have worked with me to help develop concepts related to bringing the overall vision and mission of my work into a clearer and fuller manifestation. They also recently helped me to identify some important changes that I needed to make to my website, GammaWaveHealing.com, and then they were able to professionally and flawlessly execute the building of a new website that was a clone of the existing format. This has allowed me to feel comfortable and confident that my existing clients will seamlessly transition into the new site. This new site boasts a more powerful architecture, which is built to accommodate the growth and expansion that I expect in this new year. I very much look forward to continued support and collaboration with John and Dana and I am excited to begin contributing to the Modern Masters Community.