Inter-Dimensional Travelers
These true mystics find themselves in other dimensions so often they may have difficulty adjusting to the denser qualities of the physical world. The Shaman brings new meaning to the word “adventurous.”
As experiential mystics, they investigate and travel between etheric planes much like courageous hikers and daring explorers do here on Earth.
These multi-dimensional travelers seem to have inherited the spiritual gift of ethereal navigation. Following invisible threads of energy, they chart new courses and discover ancient "breadcrumbs" scattered throughout the space-time continuum.
Not content to remain in stagnant environments, these powerful pioneers constantly probe the illusory borders of reality.
This tendency to probe the depths can lead these brave voyagers to experiment with drugs and other elements known to stimulate extra-sensory receptors.
These tools can be useful as the Shaman begins his work, but they’re not necessary as skills increase. In fact, an addiction to any external crutch can slow the Shaman’s overall progress.
This soul line has a deep reservoir of skills and data to draw from. There are many types of spiritual work available to this adaptable lineage. Some might choose to focus on soul healing, others might become astral warriors.
No matter which path this robust wanderer decides to pursue, the Shaman is equipped with the magickal tools and traits needed to ensure success.
The Dreaming
Many of these immortal beings report vivid dreams. Much of their work takes place in various states of rest and sleep.
Natural experts at meditation and achieving altered states, they merge imaginative input with objective observations. This blending of the higher realms with tangible experience lends a unique quality to their work.
Close to nature and rustic settings, the Shaman uses symbolic specimens to bridge the physical world with ethereal timelines.
The earth’s animal kingdom has a deep connection to these transcendent souls. Sacred animal bonds play a central role in the Shaman’s life.