Disclosure & Transparency
We Have the Right to Know!
Many theories exist about how our world may have been influenced or even populated by some sort of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence since the very beginning. But even if we disregard the possible ancient links with an off-earth species, we’re still faced with the very real phenomena of interaction with extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings happening today.
Innumerable accounts from people world-wide make it impossible to ignore the fact that we’re somehow linked and often accessible to other-dimensional beings. Accounts of abductions, UFO sightings, and other types of exposure are reported daily, sometimes by mass witnesses. And yet, throughout the last century, these witnesses have been ridiculed, discredited, and even physically silenced. Once again, the invisible reach of a controlling faction appears to be at work suppressing and hiding the truth from all the rest of us.
What we need to ask ourselves is if we’re content to let this vital and interesting information continue to be blocked from public view. And do we want these people, these self-selected gatekeepers to be the humans representing us to the extra-terrestrials?
We believe that this group who’s been in charge for so long have their own agenda, and we’re not sure it’s a plan that benefits humanity as a whole. Based on other actions taken by this deep state entity, it would appear that, in fact, the opposite is true. In all too many cases, it would seem that this group favors their own desires over the gains that would be beneficial for humanity in general.
With the members of Modern Masters working together, we firmly believe that we can bring this suppression of truth to an end. With unity and numbers, we can put enough pressure on these powers behind the scenes to abolish all this nonsensical secrecy. Through the MM22 Experience, we hope to bring various groups together who are already working on this problem. We hope to place members of the Modern Masters Project in positions of influence and watch as the truth is revealed.
To learn more about our work for Disclosure and Transparency in general, visit this page. We’ll be adding more information about specifics as our organization grows. We hope to see you among the Masters who will join us in order to accomplish some real results in this area.