What is your Spirit Animal? Have you ever connected with an animal not of this dimension? Let’s talk about power animals, totems, and spirit animals!
Each of us feels a special and sometimes inexplicable kinship to a particular animal or species. And that connection may go beyond the bounds of time and space.
When we share the essence of an animal in etheric dimensions, we may be in the presence of our spirit or power animal.
These remarkable beings are willing to come to our aid, keep us company, protect us from harm, and share their unique traits with us. We learn lessons and gain wisdom from different animal species who are willing to accompany us on our spiritual journeys.
In this episode, I discuss two different ways we can reach out to our power animals and ask them to assist us. Through meditation and dream work, we can connect and form magical bonds with a beloved companion from the etheric animal kingdom.
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Audio Podcasts are available on: Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, and Amazon Music/Audible. “Age of the Mage” also has a channel on Telegram where I update the episodes and add additional information regularly.
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