The Healing Touch
These incredible souls carry the gift of healing. With an innate sense of how physical forms interact with energy bodies, Healers can repair disease and damage. For this reason, Honored Healers have been revered in every culture since time began.
These physical Healers tend to be very compassionate and sensitive to the needs of those around them. The miraculous healing abilities often make themselves known in early childhood. The Healer might notice that they have a “green thumb” or that wounded animals heal quickly as a result of their tender care.
Healers might have extra gifts that enhance their primary talents. Some may be able to “see” auras, detect areas of weakness in the body, receive assistance from inter-dimensional beings, or perform etheric surgery.
Other Healers might use rituals or magickal items to assist them as they work. Each Healer is an individual and brings a unique style to their craft.
Because they’re so sensitive to the well-being of others in their environments, Healers may need to pay extra attention to shielding and buffering techniques. They can all too easily spend too much energy for the good of others and drain their own energetic resources.
If this depletion happens too often or with regularity, the healer may turn into a recluse, wanting to avoid the contacts that cause the negative feelings. With proper attention and training, this energetic exhaustion can be avoided, and the Healer can resume normal activity levels.
Healing energy tends to circulate in the Solar Plexus, the lower mid-point of the chakra system. This means that Healers can easily merge their earthy connections with the higher realms.
As Honored Healers continue their magnificent work, we all benefit. They will introduce new healing technologies that will change the course of human destiny forever!