A few weeks ago something bizarre happened. Strange signs… emblems…icons…perhaps talismans? Anyway, I don’t know what to call them, but they showed up on our website. Odd little sketches embedded themselves in our pictures, on our pages, and within our posts. For a long time, we didn’t know where they came from.
Then, by happenstance, someone found us on Twitter. He never gave us any other name but “Lost Naut”….whatever that means. He said that he recognized something on our website that belonged to him, and asked us how we had gotten it. He seemed a little but out that we had this thing on our website. He was also really insistent that it, this little talisman (for lack of a better word), belonged to him.
We asked him about the story of this talisman, as we wanted to find out how the heck it had ended up on our site. After getting to know him a bit and gaining his trust he agreed to talk more about the talisman. He told us the following.
The Dream of Lost Naut
“About a month ago I had a weird dream. I don’t dream all that often, and I don’t remember the dreams when I do, but this was different. I can still remember every detail of this dream as if it were yesterday. In this dream, I was lifted out of my body and I just floated away. I floated higher and higher until I reached the earth’s atmosphere and traveled out into space. Suddenly I was caught in a kind of translucent bubble that was made of energy and air and bright light.
This bubble allowed me to breathe comfortably. Once I was inside it, my dream-self felt more aware and real than it had previously. From the bubble, I could look down on the earth, and it looked like a blue marble. Someone else said that….who said that the earth looked like a blue marble? Oh..umm. I know. It was the crew of Apollo 17. They were right. It looks just like a blue marble.
While I was thinking this, a being stepped into the bubble beside me. I can’t really describe this being except that they seemed to be made of blue light. They were right there beside me, and I get a sense of how much space they took up. However, despite the fact that they were right there the being seemed both very tall and very short at the same time.
The being began to tell me things about the earth and the future and about my consciousness and reality. But I can’t remember these things now, even though the rest of the dream is so clear. After what seemed like years of talking with whoever this thing was, the bubble popped and I began to fall back toward earth.
You know how the feeling of falling always wakes you up? Well, when I woke up from this “fall” I was sitting at my desk with my journal and this image (the one on your website) had been drawn there. It was right there on the page. Totally complete…I mean there was even shading! I don’t even know how to draw, but I seemed to have drawn it while I was totally asleep.
One thing I ‘m sure of though is that this image, whatever it is…it’s powerful. Since I’ve had it in my notebook (which I always have with me) I’ve found that I’ve had some strange abilities. Like things just don’t seem…quite right. I shouldn’t say much more about that. I just. I don’t know how to describe this.
Now, I know this is super weird and it doesn’t answer the question of how it got on your website. I assure you that I have no idea. I’ve never heard of you before in my life. What I can tell you, though, is that I’ve had some other weird dreams since that time. They’re all about the same thing, about an old man. I think that he is a professor. I can remember them really clearly, which is why they seem weird to me. There is an old man, and he is talking in my head. Not at all clearly, like the blue being in the original dream. Just phrases which seem urgent, or like he is asking for help.
So there you go, that’s all I got. I guess that considering the strange way the image was created, the fact that it showed up on your website isn’t any more strange. You might as well keep it up there, for all I know its supposed to be there for some reason. I just want to warn you, though, watch out…cuz…like I said…it’ll do weird things. I mean, it’s got power, man. It’ll mess you up.
Help Us Find the Lost Talismans!
So that’s what we have. Just one story that explains how one Talisman got here. But meanwhile, these things are all over! Take a look around, see if you can make sense of this whole thing. Do me a favor, if you find any clues as to how they got here. Let me know, okay?
I think they are always linked from this page
The “chosen” form, of a “master” builder…
Stability to conjure extra power of Oneness…
That holds “nectar” from
The Tree of Life
That “resists” the “spoilage” of Time…
The Flavor of Life
And a Tear from my Heart
I love that. Beautiful
Gorgeous poem, IceSphere
It was always there… a chord struck by your hand
(feel more than free to change, move, even delete anything I post)
So it is, then, “hex of a hex” for the capture of “Dreams”
Work Shop
(I purpose a basic)
Cardboard Pizza (frozen) Round- as a frame… Fireside Crafting
(burn a space for your dream… and holes to place a web)
I use 2 frames with pressed charms on wax paper as a canvas
Hi. I’m new to MM. I know part of the game is just a story.
Is this a part of that story or is this real? Did that actually happen to that guy? And did the original talisman show up on the website w/o the web master’s knowledge?
Sorry for my ignorance.
Hi Sabrina.
This is a great question. I am not sure if I can answer it.
Anything in the Modern Masters Universe is as real as you want to make it, or as fictional as you believe it to be.
We hope that by blurring the lines of fiction and reality, we make space for users to suspend their disbelief. Hopefully, this will allow for new experiences that wouldn’t happen otherwise.
I apologize that this is not a straightforward answer to your question, but I hope it helps.
I need know dreaming of walking with Giants and flying beside them does this mean anything
Sounds fascinating. There is a lot of evidence that giants may have once lived on earth. It could have something to do with that. My guess (and its only a guess) is that if the dream felt negative it could be an indication that you’re overwhelmed with some big project or struggle. Otherwise I’d suggest looking up the symbolism of giants and seeing what resonates.