1: A Kindred Community
We want to provide a safe and respectful home to all those experiencing magickal, spiritual, or psychic phenomena. Many people feel as though they have no one to talk to about their unusual experiences, and we want to provide these very special people with a supportive and resonant community space.
2: Teamwork & Magickal Alliances
Modern Masters is a platform where we can work together to affect real change in our lives and in our communities. We understand the powerful effects of synergy and know that when we team up to practice our magickal skills, our strength increases exponentially. We want to provide more ways for our members to find others who align with their goals and magickal styles.
3: Personal Paths to Magickal Success
We want to provide our members with a variety of ways they can improve their magickal skills and better recognize their innate spiritual talents. We’ve introduced features like quests as content that individuals can explore and use to refine their gifts. We all want to reach our highest potential, and it’s our goal to provide innovative methods that will lead to success.
Manifestation through intention happens all the time in our everyday lives. An example occurs whenever we write an upcoming appointment on the calendar. By making it more “real,” we end up following through, and the event takes place. Whenever we have a need or desire to fulfill, we naturally begin to create the fulfillment of that desire. The more concrete and specific our intentions are with regards to our desire, the more likely we are to attain it.
Chat Limitations
We established the “Castle” chat rooms as a way to help us collectively create and visualize a shared etheric space. However, we quickly ran into the limitations that come with using a chat platform for this purpose.
While we don’t want to label these chat rooms as full RP (role playing) areas, we do want to allow for imagination in every sense. Also, while etheric realms are fluid by their very nature, they’re more permanent and defined than the quick changing nature of typical mental or emotional states.
It’s difficult to produce an air of permanence or “additive construction” in the chat space, as it’s always changing according to members’ conversations. It’s simply not a platform made to support temporal or spatial constructs. Instead, it’s designed to support an unfolding exchange in real time. These limitations led us to explore other options.
Introducing LEGEND KEEPER: A Whole New World to Explore
Legend Keeper is an online platform being developed that will help us create more permanent “etheric” planes we can share with each other.
Features of Legend Keeper
The Legend Keeper platform is being developed for game masters, world builders, fantasy authors, and others who want to establish imaginative realms for friends to enjoy together. If we learn how to use this software to its fullest potential, we can gather with magickal allies and start enjoying a new kind of magickal work space. Linked articles, interactive maps, and shared images make it easy to create more defined etheric spaces. While this new platform doesn’t offer all the features we’ll eventually need, it provides several benefits and imaginative modules that will help us create and maintain our Modern Masters Meta Reality. By spending shared time in the etheric realms we create together, we’ll be establishing a powerful etheric center from which we can launch some real magick!
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