If you are a true believer in Egalitarian Anarchism, and you are truly looking to implement the Metatocracy in your business(s), then I’m guessing the statement, “Taxation is theft!” rings true in your mind.
If that’s the case, then you will be happy to know that there are a few different ways you can legally avoid paying income taxes in your business. But if you learn just a few key things here, you can not only legally avoid paying income taxes, but legally not have to participate in any governments laws or legal systems in any way, shape or form… soon. We’ll swing back around to this in the final step.
Original Jurisdiction – Natural Law
Everyone knows that there are multiple jurisdictions of law, what many people do not know is that they can all trace their way back to one jurisdiction, called the “Original Jurisdiction” of “Natural Law.” While Natural Law is unwritten in the Original Jurisdiction because nature does not use human language and so is “written upon our hearts,” mankind created, in our own written language, Private Equity Law, as the extension of Natural Law in human social affairs.
Fun Fact: Having established Private Equity Jurisdiction as the first written form of man-made laws, this established the precedent that any man-made jurisdiction of law may also draw upon the same inviolable nature as Natural Law.
Today, the internationally accepted standard body of law for governing Private Equity Jurisdiction is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), also known as Merchant Law, the Law Merchant, Contract Law and perhaps a few others. It is the international legal codes that govern “private” commercial affairs. It’s mirror in this world is Admiralty/Maritime Law which governs “public” commercial affairs. All Corporations, and therefore, nearly all governments, are under Admiralty/Maritime Law.
Private Equity or Natural Law?
It’s important to note here, that when you begin studying Private Equity Law, you will get a lot of misinformation from legal sources. Many firms that claim to operate in Private Equity as Wealth Management and Asset Protection Firms are actually operating under Admiralty/Maritime law, trying to keep you in line with government and NGO regulations, and more often than not, they fail at this and end up screwing you over. The only firm I have come across in all of my research that correctly operates in Private Equity Law is Brilliance in Commerce, because they actually skip right past Private Equity Jurisdiction into the Original Jurisdiction of Natural Law.
While Private Equity Jurisdiction is, indeed, the man-made extension of Natural Law in Commercial Affairs, if you actually have morals and ethics, then you don’t need Private Equity to tell you how to operate with morals and ethics. As such, it is best to skip right past Private Equity and go directly for Natural Law, which is, itself, far simpler to begin with, and therefore, much easier to research and understand.
For example, rather than defining what a “Conscionable Contract” is, or what “Fraud” is, or what constitutes a “coercion,” Natural Law simply defines “Harm.” Harm is defined as any violation of Free-Will. That is a very broad and wide sweeping statement. It literally covers all ground. The problem with all other legal systems is that, when they begin defining various types of harm, they are creating legal loopholes to allow other kinds of harm to legally happen.
The Jurisdiction of Sovereignty
The worlds Ruling Wealthy Elite all operate in Private Equity Jurisdiction, the man-made jurisdiction of Sovereign Human Beings, second only to Natural Law. That is why you never see them tried for their crimes by the public jurisdictions. By their own rules, both public and private, a Sovereign exists “outside” of the “public domain.” This makes them “immune,” not “exempt” to “public law.” The difference means they do not need to “prove” their exemption.
Unless they violate Natural Law, they are exempt from persecution. And they are masters of obeying Natural Law while getting their slaves to break Natures Laws for them.
Most of us are so used to operating in the public domain that we wouldn’t recognize the private domain if it landed on us like an atomic bomb. But you can access the private domain and become a Private Person, an International Sovereign, simply by playing by their established rules and the Laws of Nature.
You see, the thing is, the rules are what protect them. They can’t go after you for following the same rules they do because that would give them justification to go after each other, thereby breaking their fragile unity. They can’t change the rules, because they need to keep on using them to protect themselves. And they can’t disavow Natural Law or they would disavow the very foundation of the power of all their other man-made jurisdictions.
As long we follow the correct rules correctly, we become untouchable, just like them, even from them, because they have no choice but to respect it or cause harm to themselves.
The trick is to know the rules of the Private Equity Jurisdiction, and more importantly, Natural Law. This is exactly the kind of information they intentionally keep out of their Rockefeller Education Systems and off the Mainstream Media. Can’t let the slaves know how to be their own Master.
The Lifelong Study of Natural Law
If you have morals and ethics, you don’t need to know the entire set of Uniform Commercial Code. As said earlier, it is best to operate in the Original Jurisdiction of Natural Law, which is far simpler. But there are some basic things you should know about Private Equity in the event of any dispute you might get into when doing business. These are listed below. You should also study a more detailed analysis of these principles by purchasing the books series “The Redemption Manual 5.0” from https://makefreedom.com
Natural Law is a wide subject of study. It covers not only the Physical Laws of the Universe (as in Physics) but also the Spiritual and Mental Laws of the Universe. It is the Spiritual Laws of the Universe, such as Karma, which concern our private commercial relationships with each other. It is from these Laws that Private Equity draws upon in defining morals, ethics and the due process of legal self defense.
The study of Natural Law is a lifelong endeavor, and it is an absolute responsibility of all living sentient creatures. If there is one subject above all others that every human being must learn, it is Natural Law. There are infinite sources of information on Natural Law. I cannot link to them all here, so I will simply link to my own books which contain more sources of information. But remember, there is no end to the study of Nature and Natural Law. It may be the simplest of all subjects, but that is exactly why it is so easy to misunderstand. It is both the simplest and the most mysterious of all subjects.
All religions, traditions and faiths, just as all legal jurisdictions, are attempts at the understanding of Natural Law. Out of all such traditions, the Hindu Veda’s are perhaps the most exhaustive discourse in Natural Law. They are not religious in nature. Their sole purpose is to help others understand Nature and Natural Law. I would advise all people to study as many religions, traditions and faiths as possible in their lifelong self-education of Natural Law, but I would advise the study of the Hindu Veda’s above all others, specifically because of their non-religious nature.
Aside from this, there are three simple categories of information you need to be privy to so as to operate as a True Sovereign in this world:
- The 10 Primary Ancient Maxims of Private Equity
- Natural Law Trust Estates, and
- Internationally Protected Person Status
Natural Law Trusts will be covered in the next Step. Internationally Protected Person Status will be the final Step in this Quest. Here, we will dive deeper into the 10 Ancient Maxims.
Pay attention now, because you and your employee’s need to know this because this is the foundation of how you are going to resolve issues between co-workers when using the Metatocracy. Also, you’ll be able to use these to resolve disputes with your customers as well as with businesses or contractors you may have to work with.
The 10 Primary Ancient Maxims of Private Equity:
- A workman is worthy of his hire
- All are equal under the Law
- In Commerce truth is sovereign
- Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit
- An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce
- An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in Commerce
- A matter must be expressed to be resolved
- He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default
- Sacrifice is the measure of credibility – One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath that he consents to claim against his commercial liability in the event that any of his statements or actions is groundless or unlawful, has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all credibility and right to claim authority.
- A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by Counter-affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment
A Workman is Worthy of his Hire:
This goes without saying. As long someone has or can learn the skills necessary for the position, they are worthy of doing the work. In a trade-based monetary system, what this is really referring to is the fact that everyone is worthy of receiving compensation in return for their work that is fair and equitable by market standards.
The problem with this is the Market Standards. The economic system has been designed from the very beginning to be a control system, keeping power in the hands of a few leaving everyone else to compete for the scraps.
In the future, when we have a free access economy, this Maxim will likely be updated to, “All people are worthy of pursuing their dreams or helping others pursue theirs.” Because in a free access economy, compensation is not necessary, so instead of needing a job, everyone is free to start new projects or help others with their ideas.
In a world in which anyone can do anything they want, whenever they want, with the only limitation being not to cause any harm, most people will not be self medicating themselves by binge watching TV or playing video games. They will once again have the energy to live free and create passionately in this world, which is our true human nature.
In the meantime, we must do what we have to do to run our businesses equitably. But consider the option of joining MetaGaiaes. MetaGaiaes is a Global Parallel Society, in it’s infancy, that came about as a result of the discovery of the Metatocracy, and thus utilizes the Metatocracy as it’s Social Administration System.
Before we can have a true Free Access Economy for ourselves, we will have to simulate a Free Access Economy using our very own Central Banking System with a small change in rules that allows our Members to create money-on-demand. And before we will be able to create our own Central Banking System, we will be using a central investment pool of funds, that we all contribute to as much as we can afford, to act as not only capital to help our Members startup their ventures, but also to give our Members a Universal Guaranteed Income that will provide a luxurious living allowance (as high as it needs to be for the times, current economies and value of currencies).
You don’t have to join MetaGaiaes to use the Metatocracy, but if you like the idea of the Metatocracy, you may be interested in joining MetaGaiaes.
All are Created Equal Under the Law:
This Maxim is a reflection that all are created equal under God, which is a spiritual reflection of the fact that all created things are created equal unto God because all created things are the Creator Creating Itself.
It takes years of studying natural law, religions and the history of law in this world to finally draw this conclusion. I do not have the time, nor the space here to show you how this is true. But if you wish to learn more about this you may read my book, The Millennial Handbook: Part 01 – How to: Life. At this point in history, you simply need to make a choice. You either realize wholeheartedly that this is true, or you do not. I suggest studying these topics yourself, so you too, may come closer to the truth.
The word “Law” whenever used by itself is always a reference to Natural Law (although it is often mistakenly used in reference to “Legal Codes”). This is because any and all man-made laws are “legal” codes, ordinances, policies, rules, regulations, mandates, terms, conditions, statutes, etc. They are anything but Laws. In fact, the word “legal” was once defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as “The undoing of God’s (Natural) Law.”
As the Bible says in the book of John 1:1, “In the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God…” The Word is the Law, Natural Law. Christians like to say this is a reference to Jesus Christ, and maybe it is because Jesus preached the Law, which is Love, but the word Logos in Greek is a direct reference to Law, in particular, Natural Law. God and Natural Law are inseparable, just as you and God are inseparable.
The only thing that exists is God. All things are expressions of the Creator. Therefore, all things are equal to the Creator. Therefore, all things are equal unto each other. As such, the Law cannot discriminate between different things, or show favoritism. It must show everyone the same emotionless, mechanistic tendency.
Just as gravity must indiscriminately pull everyone down with same amount of force, so too, must Karma eventually make everyone suffer in the same ways in which they made others suffer. As such, it only stands to reason that any man-made system ought to have the same emotionless, mechanistic power to fulfill its intended duty, which, according to Frederick Bastiat’s in his book “The Law” is self-defense. He states that when the Law is used for any other purpose, it corrupts it’s ability to provide justice towards self-defense.
The only difference between Natural Law and man-made legal systems is that we have a choice whether or not to participate in or subject ourselves to a particular human jurisdiction. We don’t have that choice with Natural Law. But then, most people never find out they actually have that choice with our human jurisdictions. Now you know.
In Commerce Truth is Sovereign:
Commerce is the social interaction of trade – the exchange of products and services. It is the fundamental basis of the economy and the primary function of society. It can operate either in Private, or in the Public Arena. If it operates in the Public, then it must subject itself to all Public Policies in all jurisdictions within which it operates. If it operates in Privacy, then it can pretty much do whatever it wants, as long as it causes no harm to people or the environment.
The Wealthy Ruling Elite didn’t create the Public Jurisdictions to “protect” the people, or provide “security” or create “peace.” They created Public Legal Jurisdictions so they could legally cause harm to people and the environment without violating the Natural Law of Karma.
How? Simple, they got people to first use their own free will, whether through ignorance or sentience, to subject themselves to the public jurisdictions, then used their labor in their businesses to cause harm to others and the environment through their corrupt business practices and toxic chemicals they put in their products.
The worst part is, they get the very people they are oppressing to finance their projects for them. In other words, they are using their very own slaves to commit crimes against Natural Law for them, so their poor and destitute slaves will have to reap the consequences of their decisions while they get to reap all the benefits and rewards of everyone’s suffering.
The FDA is a perfect example. The claim is that the FDA exists to protect us against toxins and poisons in our food and drugs. But in reality, they are there to regulate how much toxins and poisons are “allowed” in our food before we are “allowed” to sue them. Without the FDA, we would be able to sue any company for ANY amount of toxin or poison.
Now, believe it or not, but the concept of trade includes the concept criminal justice. The act of obtaining criminal justice in any economic system is always a transaction by today’s standards. So, when someone violates your rights or causes you harm personally, or to your property or business, you have the right to go after them for recompense. In Private Equity Law there is a certain way in which to follow through with Due Process as is explained through the following Maxims.
Before we move on, however, it is important to note that when one operates in the Private Jurisdiction, there is no way to limit one’s liability. You take on full responsibility and liability for your successes, your failures and your mistakes when you operate in the Private. This is only Natural. It is the way it is supposed to be.
That said, as you will see in the next Step, there are still ways to limit the damage that can be caused to you, your property or your businesses due to failures and mistakes, with a certain kind of contractual relationship called the Natural Law Trust. This way, no mistake or failure can ever cause you to go out of business or lose everything and have to start all over again from scratch, but still allows your claimants to be compensated for accidental harm. This is what is known as a win-win situation, which is the very definition of “equity.”
Truth is Expressed by Means of an Affidavit:
When someone makes a claim against you or your business, or whenever you need to make a claim against someone else or their business, it is to be done by means of an Affidavit. An Affidavit is a statement of truth, signed in front of witnesses to be “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” Affidavits are written so-as to introduce the claimant, the defendant, and declare, point for point, harm that has been committed and how recompense should be made, as well as rebuttal, point for point, in defense or admittance of such claims.
Now, in reality, this is not so much a magical affair whereby, if one person lies, they will be struck down by God and sent to Hell. Instead, as you will see in the next two Maxims, Affidavits are a way of determining, to the best of human ability, and in the fairest possible sense, what the truth of a matter must be, and it is done so in the form of what I like to describe as a “glorified argument.”
An Unrebutted Affidavit Stands as Truth in Commerce:
If someone makes a claim against you and you do not defend yourself, you are automatically admitting blame via what is called “acquiescence.” To not defend against a claim is the same as to admit to being guilty.
An Unrebutted Affidavit Becomes the Judgment in Commerce:
Same as above. Honestly, I don’t understand why they don’t just shorten these to the 9 Ancient Maxims. Truth and Judgment mean the same thing in legal proceedings.
A Matter Must be Expressed to be Resolved:
This goes without saying. If someone harms you and you do not make a claim against them, then you are automatically allowing their crime to persist, or go unpunished, via acquiescence. Even worse, especially if they are ignorant of the fact that they even caused harm, you are allowing that person to continue making the same mistake with others by not expressing your matter to them. Not all issues need to be resolved legally, but all issues need to be expressed to be resolved. You can’t expect anyone to read your mind.
He (or She) Who Leaves the Field of Battle First, Loses by Default:
This should be obvious. In terms of the glorified argument of affidavits, this means the first one to fail to respond with a counter-affidavit within the legal 30 day allowance, loses by default, via acquiescence. Any remaining unrebutted points remain as the Truth, and therefore, the Judgement.
Sacrifice is the Measure of Credibility:
This here, is another Maxim that is legally turned on its head with the public jurisdictions. This Maxim literally means that one must take on liability to have any credibility, and that he who has the most credibility ought to retain the most authority, whether it be over a subject, finances, system, or what have you. But in todays public jurisdictions of Corporations, LLC’s and LLP’s; owners, directors and managers don’t need to take on any liability and yet they still retain all the authority.
This Maxim is intended for the reality of the Private Jurisdiction as a reflection of Natural Law. It is stating that credibility does not come from ones position in a system, but from one’s level of sacrifice and liability/responsibility.
A Lien or Claim can be Satisfied Only Through Rebuttal by Counter-Affidavit Point-for-Point, Resolution by Jury, or Payment:
To resolve a claim through rebuttal by counter-affidavit point-for-point means the defendant has won by proving his innocence.
To resolve by Jury, means a jury of peers have determined, after reviewing all information presented, that the defendant is either guilty or innocent.
To resolve by payment, or some other form of compensation, means the defendant has freely admitted their guilt and decided to redeem themselves.
Generally speaking, this entire process is to be done in privacy. Affidavits are meant to be snail mailed, originally as Registered Mail, but today Certified Mail is fine. Just make sure you request a “return receipt.” The reason is to mark the timing of when the mail was received, because from that point on the recipient has 30 days within which to send their counter-affidavit.
However, sometimes this process can go on and on without resolution. When that happens, it is time to enlist the help of a third party. You can either enlist the help of an equal amount of peers on either side to act as a Jury over the case in order to keep it a Private Affair. Or you can take it to court to make an entirely public affair. Or you can get a Professional Arbitrator from your National Arbitration Association to preside over your case. This will make the final decision public information, while keeping the trial out of the public eye.
If you remain entirely within the Private arena, you can make whatever claim you want for recompense. However, if you bring it into the public arena, then public law must preside over the recompense in deciding what is fair and equitable. These are all the things to keep in mind when making your decisions in Private Equity cases.
Now remember, this was just a brief overview of what Private Equity Law is all about and what it has to offer. You need to study this in depth. So far in my own research, the absolute best source of in depth information on this subject is the “Redemption Manual 5.0.” You can find it on www.makefreedom.com. A short book that might motivate you to learn more is Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law.”