The Metatocracy was not invented, it was discovered.
That’s right. It has always existed. All throughout nature, and throughout all time. Humanity just wasn’t ready for it until now. The Metatocracy is short for “The Holographic Organizational Structure of Nature,” and “The Administration of Nature.”
The term “Holocracy” couldn’t be used because someone had already Copyrighted the word “Holacracy.” Despite the single spelling difference, that wasn’t enough to keep Holocracy LLC’s lawyers from threatening a lawsuit for the continued use of the term. So, the term Metatocracy was chosen as an alternative.
Origin of the Term
Turns out, it is actually a better term to be using. “Meta” is a Greek word that means “Beyond, after, or before.” Whereas a Holocracy might be considered a Holographic Bureaucracy, a Metatocracy is “Beyond Bureaucracy.”
A Bureaucracy is a system of control and limitation designed to micromanage resources (including people) from the top down. The Metatocracy is beyond such a Bureaucracy, instead opting for a system of no control or limitation, in which everyone is self-governing and self-managing, and together participate in the administration of the Organization or Network.
Kamiron Freeman stumbled upon this System while he was research and developing a design, based on the orbital nature of Solar Systems and Galaxies, to create an Electromagnetic Generator that is capable of generating a Superconducting Field, or what is sometimes incorrectly called an Anti-Gravity Field.
Upon discovering the necessary design for such an electromagnetic generator, Kamiron instantly realized that this was the organizational system he had been looking for to help him manage his future businesses without making him a slave master of a hierarchy.
Soon after that, he realized that if it could help us administrate businesses in an Egalitarian way that allows for the Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty for all Staff Members, then it should be able to do the same for the whole population of an entire Global Society. After all, Holographic Organization inherently means infinite scalability.
Origin of the Idea
It was only after this point that Kamiron began to think back on everything to come to understand just how this discovery was made.
Ultimately, it began with 20+ years of research and development in all fields of study. But specifically, it all culminated when he discovered the subjects of Natural Law and Sacred Geometry.
Natural Law covers a lot of ground from the principles of creation to the consequences of violating free-will. For example, things like Electricity and Magnetism are Natural Law, but so, too, is Karma.
According to Natural Law, all people are born Sovereign in their own right because we are all Fractal Self-Replications of the same infinite one whole thing – we are all the Creator Creating Itself. Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty are all natural Birth Rights because according to Natural Law, all people are One Person, all things are One Thing, there is only One. Let’s call this One Infinite Whole “The All.”
The All is everything and everything is The All. Every part of the The All contains The All and The All contains every part. This is the very definition of Holographic Organization.
This is the Principle of Correspondence, which can also now be understood as Holographic Organization. “As above, so below. As within, so without.” Everything is organized as nested clusters within nested clusters. We tend to think of these clusters as being made of matter. We look at the particles and say, “Oh, there so many “things” in there.” In reality, there are only fields. Electromagnetic Fields.
All matter is surrounded by an Electromagnetic Field. It is not incorrect to assume that what we call “matter” is the Nucleus of every EM Field. It is not actually physical in nature, but appears physical in nature because of its nature as a nucleus – a tight cluster of many smaller EM Fields. However, zoom in upon that cluster, and it is revealed that each of those fields also has a Nucleus, which is yet another tight cluster of smaller EM Fields.
EM Fields are Minds, just like nuclei are bodies. Bodies, or nuclei, are whole and complete Collectives of many Minds, which, throughout the entire Field surrounding them, operate together as one whole Mind that we call our “self.” So, the reality is, there are many layers to our self.
Just as our own body and mind is a singular self consisting of many smaller selves, our bodies and minds are also smaller selves within a much larger Self, which itself is a smaller self that is part of an even larger Self, and so on. When we realize that we are all ultimately part of the same Self, it becomes imperative that we respect each others Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty. For everything we do to another, we inherently do to ourselves, and vice versa.
These nested clusters within nested clusters are the Holographic Organization of a system of Minds, each with their own bodies, which are all Holographically connected to each other and entangled in a web that is infinitely vast and eternal. This infinite web is called Consciousness, or God, or The All, or the One Infinite Creator, or simply Creator, or Divinity, or Holy Spirit, or just Spirit. Scientifically, it is known as the Ether, or Aether.
The Metatocracy is the Organizational and Communication/Administrative System of Consciousness, or the Creator, throughout all of Nature which enables all of the parts of itself to organize and administrate themselves according to themselves in their own unique expression of Equality in Freedom and Sovereignty.
This is the fundamental basis of the Metatocracy. That we are all One. It doesn’t matter how you came upon this realization. Whether you perceive it in a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, Agnostic, Mythical, Mystical, Philosophical, Spiritual, Scientific, or other way makes little difference. All that matters is whether or not you have arrived at this ultimate truth, that we are all ONE. That we are not as separate as we appear to be. That everything we do to each other, we are doing to ourselves, and vice versa.
If you have reached this stage of Consciousness, regardless from whatever path you came, then you are ready for the Metatocracy.
Sacred Geometry
Now enter Sacred Geometry.
Despite what Mainstream Scientism would like to have us believe, Consciousness, or Nature, only has two forces. Everything operates in Polarity. The Polarity of the Singularity, which is Trinity.
Consciousness, or Ether, or God, or the Creator, or The All, is the Singularity. The Polarity is the opposite expressions of the Singularity. Opposing expressions always result in waves, vibrations, beats, frequencies, etc. So, there are only two forces of nature as per the Principle of Polarity.
However, these two forces each contain two forces, which contain two forces, etc. That is the way of Holographic Organization (i.e. expansion/contraction, centripetal/centrifugal, charge/discharge, male/female, electric,magnetic, positive/negative, north/south…).
Among these opposing forces are Magnetism and Electricity, which we concurrently experience as Thoughts and Emotions, respectively. Together, these two create vibrations that we call Light. Another word for this is “Intention.” This is why these forces are always under “tension.” The tension is the nature of the intention. A swing one way forces a swing the other way and vice versa under constant tension, at least until the intention has been fulfilled.
Our intentions, as the relationship of the vibrational activity between our thoughts and emotions, becomes the overall “coherence” of our EM Field determining what overall geometric shape our field generates. Different Geometric shapes, like any language, take on different properties, and thus have different effects and reactions with other geometric shapes in different sequences. Think chemistry, for example, or even computer code.
But we’re not talking about just any geometric shapes. We’re talking about Sacred Geometry.
Many people are familiar with the 5 Platonic Solids, but few know where they are derived from. They are all derived from the Flower of Life Pattern, which creates 5 Symbols, the last of which contains all 5 of the Platonic Solids, encoded within which are all other naturally occurring geometries.
Above are four of the five Symbols created by the Flower of Life Pattern. Below is the one not shown above. In order, they are the Seed of Life, the Egg of Life, the Tree of Life (below), the Flower of Life, and the Fruit of Life.
The last Symbol, the Fruit of Life, contains all the Sacred Geometries for manifesting a 4D reality. All you need to do is draw a line from the center of every circle to the center of every other circle in the Fruit of Life Symbol. They’re a bit small in the above image so I’ll post them again below.
Every Field, every Mind in existence, takes on the form and nature of these geometries, and for a very specific reason. All electromagnetic fields are designed according to the Fruit of Life symbol.
A Deeper Look at Electromagnetism
The Fruit of Life symbol is actually a 2 Dimensional MRI Slice through the Z axis of an Electromagnetic Field, showing us the pattern made by the Magnetic and Electric Tori within the field. In the image below, the blue lines represent Magnetic Flow, the red line represent electric flow, and the green lines represent electromagnetic flow.
In 3 Dimensions, it looks like image below.
This is what the unseen inner workings of the electromagnetic field look like. This is why every electromagnetic field is capable of taking on various Sacred Geometries and expressing those qualities.
Sacred Geometry is, in and of itself, a whole field of study, but here, you can see how Sacred Geometry fits into the Organizational Structure of Nature via the EM Field.
Well, the Flower of Life Pattern and its two symbols, the Flower of Life and the Fruit of Life, from which all these geometries are derived can be used to help us organize and manage our businesses, as well as a whole global Society.
At its simplest most basic form, it can be seen all throughout the entire macro universe as Satellites orbiting Planets, orbiting Stars, etc. You could also see it as quarks orbiting within nucleons, orbiting within atoms, etc. These are both repetitions of the same thing – the same structure of nested fields within nested fields.
As above so below. As within so without. Holographic Organization. This is precisely the Organizational Structure we will begin to dive into and understand in the next Step of this Phase.